Different Kinds of Dental Restorations

Different Kinds of Dental Restorations

It can seem like a minor annoyance to lose a permanent tooth. However, a missing tooth may significantly impact how your mouth works and how you feel about yourself. To chew, speak, and maintain your facial structure, you need solid teeth for chewing and communicating. A grin gap might weaken the remaining healthy teeth by causing the other teeth to move. The greatest thing you can do if a tooth is missing is to discuss dental restoration services.

Different types of Dental restoration services:

  • Composite filling:

Tooth color filling

The only difference between composite and traditional fillings is that composite filling is more durable. They frequently survive ten years or longer since they are made to endure stress and resistance. Moreover, you'll find them more attractive to the eye because they match the teeth in color.

  • Dental implant:

Made to function similarly to natural teeth

One of the most common forms of dental restoration service nowadays is dental implants. Dentures’ problems are resolved since they are made to work and appear like your natural teeth. Such as problems speaking and eating. Furthermore, implants stop jawbone loss and other typical side effects of missing teeth, such as shifting. If your gums and bone structure are both strong, implants are a fantastic alternative.

  • Fixing bridge:

Replacement techniques for missing teeth

To bridge the space between two or more of your teeth, a fixed bridge typically comprises two or more crowns. Chronic gum disease can be managed with bridges since they do not go directly into the gum tissue. Therefore, if you need to have your smile redone, dental restoration procedures are perfect. The types of dental restorations are now virtually entirely understood by you. Speaking with your dentist is essential when selecting the best restorative dentistry procedure.

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