Summer Wellness for Little Ones

Category: Education

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blog details: Summer has arrived, and with it comes soaring temperatures that prompt many of the Best Playschools in Bangalore to close their doors for a seasonal break. Yet, for parents still in search of quality childcare options during these months, the quest for the ideal Preschool childcare near me continues. Even though the heat may confine us indoors, its effects are pervasive. Global warming worsens the intensity of summer, leading to a heightened risk of heat-related health issues, particularly concerning our children. Here’s how we can shield our little ones from common summer ailments such as dehydration, sunburn, nosebleeds, and more: Dehydration: Dehydration- This occurs mostly due to exposure to high temperatures, direct sun, and high humidity, without enough rest and fluid intake. Thirst is not a sign of dehydration. By the time kids start feeling thirsty, they might already be dehydrated. Make sure they take fluids throughout the day. Water, coconut, fresh juice, buttermilk are some of the things they would enjoy- avoid aerated drinks or sugar laden juices. Sunburn: Kids have very thin and sensitive skin. When they are exposed to the strong UV rays of the sun, in the swimming pool or out playing in the garden, they could develop painful angry red little blisters. This means that their tender skin has been burnt by the harsh sun rays. Use aloe vera gel if kids get sunburnt. It’s extremely cooling and helps soothe the burning skin. You can also use ice over the sensitive area for short periods and avoid sending the kids out to play between 10 AM and 4 PM. The sun’s rays are the strongest at this time and always put sunscreen on them when they get out of the house. Nosebleeds: Contrary to what people think, nosebleeds are mostly caused due to dry air and not actual heat. A dry climate or heated indoor air or an air-conditioned environment irritates and dries the nose lining. This causes crusts that may itch and then bleed when scratched or picked. If a child has a nosebleed, don’t panic. Make him/her sit up and tilt the head back. Pinch the soft nostril area for about 5-10 minutes. This pressure will help the bleeding stop. Keep a tissue near the nose to prevent any blood from dripping onto the child. If a child is prone to nosebleeds, one should keep the nasal area moist by dabbing petroleum jelly around the nostril area at least twice a day. Just put one or two drops on an earbud and gently swab a little inside the nostril and outside around the rims. Eye Infections: Eye allergies, conjunctivitis, styes and dry eyes are also problems that children and adults develop in summer. The dry heat combined with allergens (like pollen) in the atmosphere cause the eyelids to get infected. Kids have the habit of constantly rubbing their eyes or touching their eyes for some reason and this increases the risk of conditions like conjunctivitis and styes. These are bacterial infection breakouts. Since it is quite contagious, make sure your child stays away from other children. Teach kids to wash their hands often, especially when they come back from playing or have been to the restroom. And make sure you also wash your hands when you finish cleaning the child’s eye. Keep and wash towels and clothes separately until the infection has passed. Loss of Appetite: Has your child become picky and moody overnight? It could be the heat playing up or that your child is going through a growth slump. Even adults face the same problem of loss of appetite in the summer. Try breaking the meals down into smaller meals and space it throughout the day. That way the kids will at least not get put off looking at the amount of food on their plate. Get them to tell you what they would like to eat, as long as it’s healthy. Keeping them hydrated at this time is key. During summer, cases of food poisoning are very common, and a good number of kids suffer from it. Wash all the fruits and vegetables properly before consuming them. Keep the food-preparation surfaces and utensils clean and also prepare the food thoroughly. Make sure that the food you are marinating is properly stored in the refrigerator or a cooler. Health Check-ups: Prioritizing regular check-ups and preventive care during the scorching summer is essential. Regular check-ups help monitor their growth, development, and overall well-being. They enable early detection of any potential health concerns and allow for timely interventions. For older children, let them take charge of their health by maintaining their health records. Encourage them to track their height, weight, and any symptoms they may experience. Also, promote regular health check-ups and self-care. This not only develops their sense of responsibility but also fosters a positive attitude toward their well-being. By adhering to these guidelines often suggested by Best Playschools in Bangalore, parents can empower their children to navigate the summer season confidently and maintain their vitality. From staying hydrated and sun-safe to fostering healthy eating habits and scheduling regular health check-ups, each step contributes to their overall well-being. Let’s make this summer a safe and enjoyable season for our little ones so whether they are at home or in Preschool childcare nearby parents can be rest assured that their little one enjoys all that the season has to offer!


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